Kessa Exfoliating Glove

3.00 $

Take a warm shower or bath for at least 5-10 minutes to soften the skin.
2. Apply Moroccan Alchemy  Beldi soap, a natural olive-based soap that helps loosen dead skin. Let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing.
3. Exfoliate with the Kessa Glove – Wet the glove slightly, then use firm, circular or up-and-down motions to scrub the skin.
4. Rinse & Moisturize – Wash off dead skin, then apply argan oil, body lotion, or a natural moisturizer to nourish the skin.


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Tincidunt mauris, pharetra aliquam in magnis ornare sit mi velit, quis semper ut a malesuada pharetra volutpat euismod vulputate pellentesque et risus in malesuada pellentesque dictumst amet vitae vitae ut phasellus quam et enim feugiat eget mauris aenean eu volutpat, dictum donec gravida nunc egestas viverra justo sed.

Sollicitudin facilisis massa pellentesque in ultrices enim nunc ac egestas elementum ut in ornare sit malesuada.


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